n/aIntimidating Cry

Gem Info

Mod Value
Level Requirement10
TagsWarcry, AoE, Duration, Physical
Cooldown Time8.00 sec
Use Time0.80 sec


Performs a warcry, taunting nearby enemies to attack the user and exerting subsequent attacks. Grants a buff which lowers the effect of enemy physical damage reduction against your hits.

Explicit Mods

Base duration is (4–4.9) seconds
(0–38)% increased Warcry Speed
Enemies Taunted by this Warcry are Intimidated
Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
Buff causes your Hits to Overwhelm 5% Physical Damage Reduction per 5 Power, up to 30%
Exerts the next 2 Melee Attacks you perform
Exerted Attacks deal Double Damage

Quality Mods

(0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Transfigured Versions

Quest Rewards

This gem is offered as reward after completing the quests below:

Class Quests
  • A Fixture of Fate (Act_3)
  • A Fixture of Fate (Act_3)
  • A Fixture of Fate (Act_3)
  • The Caged Brute (killed Brutus) (Act_1)
  • A Fixture of Fate (Act_3)
  • The Caged Brute (killed Brutus) (Act_1)
  • A Fixture of Fate (Act_3)
  • A Fixture of Fate (Act_3)
  • A Fixture of Fate (Act_3)

Vendor Rewards

You can by this gem from vendors after completing the quests below:

Class Quests
  • The Caged Brute (killed Brutus) (Act_1)
  • The Caged Brute (killed Brutus) (Act_1)
  • The Caged Brute (killed Brutus) (Act_1)
  • The Caged Brute (killed Brutus) (Act_1)

Gem Progression

Level Required Level Required Strength ManaCost Base duration is x seconds x% increased Warcry Speed Experience needed to level up Total experience needed
1 10 29 13 4.00 sec N/A 0 0
2 13 35 13 4.00 sec 2% 9569 9569
3 17 43 14 4.10 sec 4% 28189 37758
4 21 52 14 4.10 sec 6% 59146 96904
5 25 60 15 4.20 sec 8% 111192 208096
6 29 69 15 4.20 sec 10% 193800 401896
7 33 77 15 4.30 sec 12% 320280 722176
8 36 83 16 4.30 sec 14% 359090 1081266
9 39 90 16 4.40 sec 16% 498508 1579774
10 42 96 16 4.40 sec 18% 682057 2261831
11 45 102 16 4.50 sec 20% 921777 3183608
12 48 109 17 4.50 sec 22% 1727879 4911487
13 51 115 17 4.60 sec 24% 1791769 6703256
14 54 121 17 4.60 sec 26% 2353679 9056935
15 57 127 18 4.70 sec 28% 3070912 12127847
16 60 134 18 4.70 sec 30% 9095466 21223313
17 63 140 18 4.80 sec 32% 16039890 37263203
18 66 146 19 4.80 sec 34% 29817117 67080320
19 68 151 19 4.90 sec 36% 62895056 129975376
20 70 155 19 4.90 sec 38% 212051599 342026975
21 72 159 20 5.00 sec 40% N/A N/A
22 74 N/A 20 5.00 sec 41% N/A N/A
23 76 N/A 20 5.10 sec 42% N/A N/A
24 78 N/A 20 5.10 sec 43% N/A N/A
25 80 N/A 21 5.20 sec 44% N/A N/A
26 82 N/A 21 5.20 sec 45% N/A N/A
27 84 N/A 21 5.30 sec 46% N/A N/A
28 86 N/A 21 5.30 sec 47% N/A N/A
29 88 N/A 22 5.40 sec 48% N/A N/A
30 90 N/A 22 5.40 sec 49% N/A N/A
31 91 N/A 22 5.40 sec 49% N/A N/A
32 92 N/A 22 5.40 sec 50% N/A N/A
33 93 N/A 22 5.50 sec 50% N/A N/A
34 94 N/A 22 5.50 sec 51% N/A N/A
35 95 N/A 23 5.50 sec 51% N/A N/A
36 96 N/A 23 5.50 sec 52% N/A N/A
37 97 N/A 23 5.60 sec 52% N/A N/A
38 98 N/A 23 5.60 sec 53% N/A N/A
39 99 N/A 23 5.60 sec 53% N/A N/A
40 100 N/A 23 5.60 sec 54% N/A N/A